November 8, 2023 | Liz McCardle
Find Your Grind’s Lifestyle Assessment: The tool that makes a difference
Don’t we all want to live in a better world? How do we do that? How do we inspire, how do we instill positivity and optimism when hardships and pains are in plain sight? How do we even encourage basic skill-building (and the naming of students’ skills)?
Our hope is to focus on ourselves first and then reflect, listen, and believe in the impact we could have on the world; this continues to push us forward. We model those belief systems throughout our Find Your Grind curriculum for students and educators.

Students can go through the motions of being in school career pathways and concentrating in programs of study and educational pathways. However, we don’t want students to end up in dead-end career and industry pathways with no way to move upward in the career ladder. Let’s provide them with the inspiration, information, and skills to create the life they want first so they can succeed wherever and whenever they choose to shift paths.
Find Your Grind empowers and prepares future ready students. With our lifestyle-first approach, we shift the focus from “what do you want to do” when you grow up to “who do you want to be” when you grow up. The Lifestyle Assessment is Find Your Grind’s first step toward revolutionizing the education system. Today’s students need a new kind of guidance to achieve their goals in this changing, ever-evolving world. Our mission is to support educators and students with the right tools necessary to do this effectively.
With the Lifestyle Assessment, we kick off the support and inspiration that help students (and adults) create lives that are meaningful for them and a world that is better for everyone.
Find Your Grind’s Theory of Change
Throughout history, schools have been tasked with preparing their students for the future. With career outlooks becoming less predictable than ever, schools must implement programming that proactively addresses career exploration and personal development while emphasizing adaptability and transferable skills. Find Your Grind’s Logic Model and the Social Cognitive Career Theory consider the complex relationships among self-efficacy (beliefs about ability), outcome expectations (beliefs about consequences of an action), and goal-setting (decision about taking an action), and consider external school and sociocultural factors (gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and ability) to be integral to this process.
Find Your Grind educational solution [curriculum] sets students on a path of self-determined progressive learning to build confidence, intuition, and expertise through investment and reinvestment in new or increasingly complex knowledge and skills. Over time, a student’s interest, knowledge, skill, confidence, attitude, action, improvement, and interaction regarding a particular goal or mission mutually reinforce one another, encouraging continued reinvestment. By investing in students’ personal career paths, providing opportunities for exploration, and developing their social and aspirational capital, schools can be more proactive and forward-thinking in preparing their students for the future of work.
Ready to do something unexpected or revolutionary? Find Your Grind is here, ready to support your educational needs. Take the Lifestyle Assessment and discover your lifestyles (yes, there’s more than 1!).
—The Lifestyle Assessment is the first step students will take toward a lifestyle-first mindset—a journey of self-discovery, career exploration, and future-ready skills-building in the Find Your Grind experience.