February 10, 2023 | Bryan Wanzer
Mentor Partnerships: Find Your Grind & Los Angeles Chargers
In October 2022, the Find Your Grind team headed to the Los Angeles Chargers training facility to interview and welcome new members to our group of Mentors. While many people are aware of the teams and players in the NFL, there is a large number of talented professionals who work behind the scenes to support players on and off the field.
Our goal was to meet some of these folks to document their stories to show students the opportunities available to them in the world of professional sports.

Here are the newest members of our Mentor class:
Arthur Hightower
Arthur is the Senior Director of Player Engagement for the Chargers and is in charge of the player support services—from when they enter the league as rookies all the way until their retirement and transition into what’s next.
Paige Crawford
Paige works for the Chargers as the team dietitian providing nutrition guidance and education for the athletes. She closely collaborates with other team employees to make sure that each player is ready to compete.
Allison Miner (coming March 2023)
Allison is the Charger’s physical therapist and athletic trainer. Her job is to take care of the players—helping them prevent, treat, and rehab any injuries they sustain.
The Find Your Grind team would like to send a huge thank you to the Los Angeles Chargers for the opportunity to document these impactful stories and share these Mentor’s influential advice to our student users.
To learn more about how Find Your Grind mentors humanize career readiness and career exploration, contact us.