March 6, 2023 | Ian Hatcher
Half a Million
Find Your Grind student learning is in full effect this school year, with over 500,000 activities completed so far! As we cross this milestone, we want to share some insights into what those activities looked like and how students have responded to them.
Student Feedback
Overall, these learning experiences have really resonated with students, with over 80% of responding students indicating that they found the activities they completed useful!! When we break down the types of activities and corresponding feedback, we see the activities involving Mentors have the highest usefulness rating, with over 85% of students responding favorably to Mentor activities. When students get the opportunity to hear from real people in the field in an authentic way, that clearly engages them, which is why we are continually adding more Mentors for students to hear from and learn about as students broaden their exposure to what’s possible for them in their life!
Going Further
Students don’t like activities just because they are easy either. Nearly 40% of the 500,000+ activities completed so far this year have required students to be intentional, reflective, and produce meaningful responses in order to complete the activity (read more about that in a previous blog post here). Students have been getting a bad rep recently because of their decreased attention span. And while that is true, it doesn’t provide any room for context or nuance. At Find Your Grind we focus on creating content and experiences that are relevant to the students’ lifestyles, impactful on their pathways, and future-oriented. When a learning experience can provide all of these things to a student, they don’t shy away from the “work” but rather they seek it out and engage with it head-on. When you combine relevance with meaning, amazing learning outcomes can occur!
Want more information about our newest milestone, grab a chat with us today!