January 13, 2023 | Ian Hatcher
The “aha” Moment for Students
The start of new classes and curriculums should be a very exciting time for students. Besides seeing which of their friends are in their class and determining if their teacher’s reputation meets reality, students also bring with them expectations, even sometimes hope, about what the class is going to cover and expose them to. Unfortunately, too often these expectations are not met, which can have a negative cascading effect on student morale and engagement. So, how can this be avoided, and how does Find Your Grind perform on this topic?
Revealing Personalized Insights to Students
How quickly do students engaged with Find Your Grind experience their first “aha” moment – that moment of sudden insight or discovery. The “Lifestyle First” approach is a novel idea for nearly all students, so getting them exposed to their own unique lifestyles is a crucial experience that causes them to pause, reflect, and identify the impact that the Find Your Grind curriculum can have on their life.
Let’s take a look at the data. After their very first login to Find Your Grind, how quickly do students experience their “aha” moment in the form of discovering their own unique lifestyle alignment? More than three out of four students achieve this feat within a single day, talk about getting going right away!

This is a great way to start a new class! Now that we know students are finding value in the curriculum and are excited about it, we want to understand when students can start demonstrating what they are learning in their new class.
Building on Personalized Content to Elicit Authentic Responses
Once students are motivated to dive into their learning experience with Find Your Grind (after their first “aha” moment), how soon can educators get a glimpse into real engagement by their students? As we discussed in a previous post, Find Your Grind is anything but a passive experience. Students are active participants in their learning while having the agency to make choices that are important to them. So, how quickly do students start to reflect and share their thoughts and takeaways with their teachers? When do students start to “put in the work” and really engage with the content? Over one in three students start sharing personalized reflections with their teachers within a single day after receiving their lifestyle assessment results, with over half of all students doing so in less than three days!

Exposing students to unique, previously unknown insights that are super personal to them during their first experience with Find Your Grind yields immediate returns in the form of high student engagement and output. In case you missed it, teachers have immediate access to all student responses, which cultivates authentic avenues for teachers to become better connected with their students.
Interested in bringing a highly personalized, motivating, and engaging learning experience to your classroom? Contact us today!